NAZI Terrorist - Chapter 1
Matthew titles Chapter 1 as "More in Common", the Chapter begins with a speech made by Jo Cox to Parliament on June 3, 2015 whereby she asserted that Multiculturism had enriched the towns and villages in Yorkshire. This is the usual mantra from politicians, they are after all, professionally paid liars who are actively trying to destroy English values, customs and traditions.
Jo Cox MP Murder
Joe Cox was tragically murdered on Thursday, June 16, 2016 by Thomas Mair, a 52 year-old from Birstall, Leeds. Hope Not Hate were quick to take advantage of this tragedy, adopting the death of the Jo Cox as some form of Far-Right Plot. They then sought to scour the internet and peoples private social media accounts, collating as much dirt as they could to further their agenda and take full advantage of this tragedy. The story was no longer about the murder of the MP, but the spin doctors at HnH had made this about the far right.
Matthew claims that Thomas Mair shouted "Britain First!" whilst murdering the MP. As usual, the mainstream were quick to publish hateful and divisive messages asserting that this was the actions of a far right extremist.
The Guardian (MI5) printed that Mair shouted "this is for Britain" and "Keep Britain Independent" and "Britain First". The full article can be read Here
In a shop, local to the murder, an eye witness to the murder put up a notice which dispels the lies peddled by the media, informing the public that Thomas Mair did not shout "Britain First" or any of the other sound bytes the media run with.
Mair remained silent in the court and was refused permission to address the court, he was held under the terrorism protocol which effectively restricts a defendants access to material evidence that would be used against him. This was not an act of terrorism, it was plain and simple a murder by a lone individual who for whatever reason, was clearly upset with his MP. Whatever his reasons, there can be no justification for murder.
There were a number of people who took to social media and supported what Mair had done, one of those individuals was a 17 year old from Bradford who was alleged to be a member of the group, National Action. The 17 year old was arrested for preparing terrorism for making a pipe bomb. The prosecutor tried to convince the jury that Jo Cox was murdered because of her vote to remain in the Brexit Referendum, only for His Honour Mr Justice Goss to correct this misleading statement advising the jury that the referendum had not actually took place at the time of the murder.
This particular individual posted to his social media accounts after the murder of the MP the following statements;
It is reported in Matthews book that Jo spent some considerable time as an Aid worker in war torn Syria, so it is therefore understandable to see why she would develop feelings for their plight. The war in Syria was not as a result of President Bashar as reported in the media, it was the result of the desire for oil and control of the middle east being handed over to Israel. If you believe the chemical attack fiction then you are unfortunately either ill informed or retarded. This blog is not about Syria so you will have to do your own research, but try and stay away from the gutter press, they are all part of the same cabal.
Whilst Jo wanted to save Refugees who had been displaced in Syria, there was little acknowledgement about the governments involvement in the mass murder of the Syrian peoples and the destruction of their Country, those refuges were fleeing the very bombs that the UK were dropping, it is therefore hardly surprising why they are attacking our way of life, most Islamic fundamentalists would call it revenge for the atrocities committed by governments from the West.
If Jo Cox wished to continue representing foreigners over the lives and interests of the British public, she should have stayed in Syria, whilst her death was a tragedy, and we in know way condone it, our thoughts are with the tens of thousands of victims of Islamic Terrorism listed in this blog.
2016: August
"Three Musketeers" arrested. In August 2017, Naweed Ali, 29, Khobaib Hussain, 25, Mohibur Rahman, 33, and Tahir Aziz, 38 were all convicted of planning a bomb and knife attack against a police or military target in the UK.
A man shouts praise to Allah as he stabs bystanders at a rail station.
In 2018, there were 1984 Islamic attacks in 55 countries, in which 11782 people were killed and 11488 injured. You can read the full list here.
In 2019, there have been 974 Islamic attacks in 43 countries, in which 5665 people were killed and 5920 injured up to 21 July 2019. You can read the full list which is updated daily here.
The above are all attacks that have taken place, or were in the late stages of planning due to take place in the name of Islam in the UK - for those of you who are ill-informed on the full list of terror attacks in the name of Islam worldwide, you have contributed to the death and misery all of the families and victims above have suffered with your ignora.
Jo Cox MP Murder
Joe Cox was tragically murdered on Thursday, June 16, 2016 by Thomas Mair, a 52 year-old from Birstall, Leeds. Hope Not Hate were quick to take advantage of this tragedy, adopting the death of the Jo Cox as some form of Far-Right Plot. They then sought to scour the internet and peoples private social media accounts, collating as much dirt as they could to further their agenda and take full advantage of this tragedy. The story was no longer about the murder of the MP, but the spin doctors at HnH had made this about the far right.
Matthew claims that Thomas Mair shouted "Britain First!" whilst murdering the MP. As usual, the mainstream were quick to publish hateful and divisive messages asserting that this was the actions of a far right extremist.
The Guardian (MI5) printed that Mair shouted "this is for Britain" and "Keep Britain Independent" and "Britain First". The full article can be read Here
In a shop, local to the murder, an eye witness to the murder put up a notice which dispels the lies peddled by the media, informing the public that Thomas Mair did not shout "Britain First" or any of the other sound bytes the media run with.
Mair remained silent in the court and was refused permission to address the court, he was held under the terrorism protocol which effectively restricts a defendants access to material evidence that would be used against him. This was not an act of terrorism, it was plain and simple a murder by a lone individual who for whatever reason, was clearly upset with his MP. Whatever his reasons, there can be no justification for murder.
There were a number of people who took to social media and supported what Mair had done, one of those individuals was a 17 year old from Bradford who was alleged to be a member of the group, National Action. The 17 year old was arrested for preparing terrorism for making a pipe bomb. The prosecutor tried to convince the jury that Jo Cox was murdered because of her vote to remain in the Brexit Referendum, only for His Honour Mr Justice Goss to correct this misleading statement advising the jury that the referendum had not actually took place at the time of the murder.
This particular individual posted to his social media accounts after the murder of the MP the following statements;
"Tommy Mair is a HERO."
"There's one less race traitor in Britain thanks to this man."
"Absolute f ** legend."
"He's a hero, we need more people like him to butcher the race traitors."
These were the statements of a single individual, not formal statements from the unincorporated association that was National Action, however, HnH managed to twist these statements and manipulate figures on one of their conspicuous polls by 3000%. You can read the full article on Breitbart here
Jo Cox Politics
Jo Cox was not respected by many of her constituents, like the majority of politicians, she was a paid actor, funded by Unions, who voted for Charities, such as HnH to be able to "Legally" partake in political campaigning. She voted against regulating the activities of Unions, some of which activities are highly dubious.
She voted against reducing Capital gains Taxes, and also voted against an increase of the minimum threshold for paying income tax for low income families.
She voted for children to have a right to vote, and for MP's not to have any right to Veto Laws that specifically affected their constituents, she was Anti-British and anti-democratic.
She voted against laws that prevent "illegal" immigrants from working and in favour of funding failed asylum seekers.
She voted against local authority housing tenants having to pay market rent for the properties which are provided for those in need in society, her friend, MP Osamor lives in a council house, despite there being a waiting list of 15,000 people in his area. This bill would have likely resulted in those houses being allocated to the people who need them the most.
She voted in favour of the HS2 rail project, a complete waste of taxpayers money that could have been allocated to more humanitarian needs that the British Public face on a day to day basis.
She was only an MP for just under two years, her donations were reported up to the 13 July 2015, there are no records available of the period between July 2015 and June 2016 when she was tragically murdered.
It is reported in Matthews book that Jo spent some considerable time as an Aid worker in war torn Syria, so it is therefore understandable to see why she would develop feelings for their plight. The war in Syria was not as a result of President Bashar as reported in the media, it was the result of the desire for oil and control of the middle east being handed over to Israel. If you believe the chemical attack fiction then you are unfortunately either ill informed or retarded. This blog is not about Syria so you will have to do your own research, but try and stay away from the gutter press, they are all part of the same cabal.
Whilst Jo wanted to save Refugees who had been displaced in Syria, there was little acknowledgement about the governments involvement in the mass murder of the Syrian peoples and the destruction of their Country, those refuges were fleeing the very bombs that the UK were dropping, it is therefore hardly surprising why they are attacking our way of life, most Islamic fundamentalists would call it revenge for the atrocities committed by governments from the West.
If Jo Cox wished to continue representing foreigners over the lives and interests of the British public, she should have stayed in Syria, whilst her death was a tragedy, and we in know way condone it, our thoughts are with the tens of thousands of victims of Islamic Terrorism listed in this blog.
Grooming Gangs in Yorkshire
The Independent reported 44 people arrested for grooming children in the Kirklees area on 21 June 2019. All girls abused were young white girls, all groomed and raped as a direct result of forced Multiculturism which has blighted the Yorkshire area.
The Independent reported that 9 men were jailed in February 2019 for a total of 132 years for grooming and raping young white girls.
The Examiner reported in October 2018 on 'Operation Tendersea' how a large number of white underage girls were groomed, raped and impregnated by another grooming gang. One girl had a child as a result of the rape, another had an abortion and was later impregnated again. The girls were forced to commit criminal acts and served custodial sentences, and one girl tried to kill herself. They were jailed for a total of 221 years.
The Independent reported in January 2018 about the Calderdale grooming gang which was linked to grooming gangs up and down the country.
The Independent reported in February 2018 about the Rotherham grooming gang whereby it was identified that there were 1500 white young victims of rape and heinous crimes
We could continue posting the many grooming gangs here, but that will be for another blog, there are so many, it warrants a further look and a more substantial report. Sputnik analysed the problem in an open and succinct way, thousands of these young white child victims may have been saved if it were not for virtue signalling charities like Hope Not Hate who publish puerile, juvenile blogs labelling people as Racists or Nazi's who dare to condemn such people.
This systematic abuse, that she (as an MP), previous governments, and charities such as Hope Not Hate have ignored for decades, and not just ignored, buried, so that they could keep continuing to import these vile sub-humans who wish only to destroy our way of life, our customs and traditions, at the expense of tens of thousands of young white girls, of whose families lives have been destroyed as a result of the forced multicultural integration.
And yet Hope Not Hate will still assert that the far right is the biggest threat we face today... Wake the fuck up!
If our Government done its job and prosecuted those who it knew about in the 1990's, many of these young white girls and their families would be living happy lives. All those people who support the governments plans to replace the population with their multicultural programmes' bear responsibility for those victims that you have sacrificed, for nothing more than a social experiment. There wouldn't be a perceived extreme Far Right threat, we all know that there certainly isn't any credible threat.
Maybe, just maybe, those women and children who were scared to go out in her constituency were because of the prolific terrorist cells operating a network of ideological warfare, with their warped sense of ideology and interpretation of the Qu'ran in which Allah tells them to take white girls and rape them as part of their warfare ideology. I do not think that women and children were scared of the non-existent threat from the far right, and Matty, you're kidding no-one but yourself, even the dumb mindless trash that follow you wont be falling for that one!
Do Hope Not Hate trade in death and destruction? - You decide?
Now, it is clear for all to see that Hope Not Hate like to trade profit in the misery of others, they will seek to politicise and turn death into profits for their organisation, it has in essence been so profitable for the organisation, one can begin to understand why they began inciting, and plotting murders of their own to raise funds.
Now, it is clear for all to see that Hope Not Hate like to trade profit in the misery of others, they will seek to politicise and turn death into profits for their organisation, it has in essence been so profitable for the organisation, one can begin to understand why they began inciting, and plotting murders of their own to raise funds.
National Action
HnH provided a form of secretive dossier to Parliament on the activities of National Action which led to their proscription. They were proscribed a terrorist organisation because of the tweets of an individual and a skewed poll conducted by the corrupt Nick Lowles. It is noteworthy that this dossier should have formed as part of disclosure in the criminal proceedings, one must assume that Hope Not Hate destroyed this evidence as it was capable of demonstrating bad character.
There have been a number of convictions for people who were alleged to have continued to be part of the defunct group, unlawfully proscribed by the then, useless, emotional challenged Home Secretary, Amber Rudd. Those convictions are the result of a plot to shut down free speech and take away the rights of individuals to freely associate and take part in legal protest. These are in summary, the aims and objectives of the fascist Charity, Hope Not Hate.
In contrast, Conservative Councillor Dominic Peacock was suspended from the party for posting "I've just donated the steam off my piss!" - Should the Conservative Party be tarnished because of the words of one man? Read the article here.
UKIP - Nigel Farage
The Chapter also somehow works UKIP into the equation. Obviously a political opponent of the Labour Party, of which Hope Not Hate are the political smear campaign arm. The others mentioned are the usual suspects, the BNP, the EDL etc..
"The problem for Golding, as Hope Not Hate pointed out, was the weekend before Cox's murder his group held a training camp in Wales where members practised using fake knives." - What on earth is this moron smoking, if you carry out self defence training, it can hardly be referred to as a training camp, as if there is some sinister motivation behind it. I'm sorry Matthew, I know you live up in cloud cuckoo land, but here on earth, and in particular in England, we are under attack and the enemy is attacking us from within like a cancer.
You might have missed what the Prime Minister told us in 2015 while you were wanking off at your PC, nosing around peoples profiles like a silent stalker. "If you look at the national threat level here in the United Kingdom, it is at severe. That means that a terrorist attack is highly likely,” she said.
Hope Not Hate were probably the paid organisation for the governments suggestion if you see terrorism, "Run, Hide and Tell" - they want us defenceless against the criminals that they have imported into our home Country. Knives have been used on multiple occasions in acts of terrorism, we do not think training how to disarm someone with a knife can be called, or referred to as a training camp, you fucking fat pleb!
Hope not hate shoulder considerable blame for the suffering of all families who have fallen victim to this social experiment that they campaign so relentlessly for. You will not find any state of hate reports on any of the Islamic Cell Grooming Gangs operating throughout the Country, or on the Islamic Terror cells bombing, knifing and running innocent people down, these stories are published and conveniently forgotten, not to be repeated on an almost daily basis like the "perceived" threat of the so called 'Far Right'. Actual threats are not as important as perceived threats are they Matthew!
Matthew dedicates the majority of this chapter to some form of fictitious threat from the so called far right. He makes links to Copeland and the BNP and interestingly refers to a book known by very few as the Turner Diaries. Mullen referenced the Turner Diaries in his 901 page SOCPA interview and also claimed that the group had downloaded the Breivik Manifesto - this was a proven lie, there was no evidence of any of the group downloading the Breivik manifesto, and no evidence of any of the accused researching the Turner Diaries. Collins claims that "Here in the UK, the Turner Diaries was also extensively read by members of an emerging British neo-Nazi group, National Action."
Matthew goes on to add Brexit as a cause of Jo Cox's death, and then goes on to cite other so called women MP's who have suffered adverse comments to their policies on importing the death cult known as Islam. 'Black Labour MP Dianne Abbott, MP Mhairi Black, MP Luciana Berger' - each of whom have suffered personal attacks on their character, each of whom adopt the victim hood status and use it for political gain.
Organisations such as Hope Not Hate are in part responsible for the importation of this violent and barbaric way of life that is completely incompatible with our own way of life. There is no report, or state of hate report produced by Hope Not Hate on any single event listed below. Refugees can be welcomed in England, their radical Islamic ideology is not welcome, and any refugee fleeing a country where these religious nut jobs operate should be made, and would be willing to convert from Islam to our Christian values, or remain in the areas that suffer such violent ideologies being practised and look to Allah for help, not England.
Ask yourself, how many more English families, of various racial backgrounds have to suffer at the behest of the violent ideology that is Islam. How many of these would you be willing to sacrifice all over again?
2003: 11 January
A 21 year-old was stabbed to death by an Islamic Pakistani on her wedding day for rejecting an arranged Islamic marriage.
2003: 14 January
A police detective and father of three was stabbed to death by an Islamic Terrorist.
2003: 11 September
A 17 year-old girl is strangled by her family for resisting an arranged marriage.
In 2003, there were 870 Islamic attacks in 33 countries, in which 3279 people were killed and 6706 injured. You can read the full list here.
2004: 9 June
A 21 year-old man is shot to death by an Islamic Criminal Gang for refusing to convert to Islam.
2004: 5 August
A shopkeeper is brutally beaten to death by members of an Islamic family upset over the presumed "taboo" relationship between his son and their Pakistani daughter.
2004: 13 November
A 30 year-old computer worker was brutally assaulted and slain by three Islamic Pakistanis.
2004: 20 November
An Islamist Bangladeshi man and his two sons stabbed a 19 year-old to death in his car after he had an affair with their daughter/sister.
In 2004, there were 1115 Islamic attacks in 37 countries, in which 7109 people were killed and 14558 injured. You can read the full list here.
2005: 23 April
A woman is brutally stabbed to death by her brother and cousin after refusing an arranged marriage.
2005: 7 July
Co-ordinated suicide bombings targeted London's public transport system during the morning rush hour. Three bombs exploded on separate underground trains and a fourth exploded on a double-decker bus. It was the worst terror attack since the Lockerbie bombing in 1988 and left 52 victims dead and 700 injuries.
2005: 21 July
Four attempted bombings took place exactly two weeks after the 7 July blasts. As with the previous plot, the attacks targeted the public transport system - but the devices failed to explode. In July 2007, four men were each sentenced to life imprisonment.
2005: 23 October
Islamic Pakistanis stab a 24 year-old man to death senselessly.
In 2005, there were 1863 Islamic attacks in 38 countries, in which 7648 people were killed and 12864 injured. You can read the full list here.
2006: 10 March
A 6 year-old is burned to death when two Islamists burn down her families house in an attempted honour killing.
2006: 21 June
A 19 Year old is beaten to death by her Islamist family who claimed that she had an evil spirit.
2006: 1 November
A conservative Islamist burnt his family to death in a fire over concerns that they were becoming too Westernised.
In 2006, there were 2778 Islamic attacks in 42 countries, in which 15225 people were killed and 19484 injured. You can read the full list here.
2007: 29 June
Two car bombs were discovered and disabled in London's West End. The first was left near the Tiger Tiger nightclub - police sources said it would have caused "carnage" if it had exploded. The second was found in a Mercedes after it was given a parking ticket in Cockspur Street and towed to Park Lane.
2007: 30 June
A Jeep was driven into the main terminal building at Glasgow Airport in an attempted suicide attack. Five people were hurt. One of the perpetrators, Kafeel Ahmed, died about a month later from severe burns sustained in the crash. The other, Bilal Abdullah - an Iraqi-born doctor - was sentenced to a minimum of 32 years in prison.
2007: 4 July
A Islamic gang beats a man to death for Adultery.
2007: 6 July
A father of seven is stabbed to death by his Islamic neighbours, apparently over his anti-immigration views.
2007, 23 October
A 19 year-old Catholic girl was stabbed to death by an Islamist who said she was too sexually provocative.
In 2007, there were 3096 Islamic attacks in 45 countries, in which 20495 people were killed and 27317 injured. You can read the full list here.
2008: 10 March
A 17 year-old is beaten to death by other Islamists who accused him of violating Islamic Law by drinking alcohol.
2008: 22 May
A failed suicide nail-bomb attack occurred at the Giraffe restaurant in Exeter. Nicky Reilly - a Muslim convert - was the only person injured when the homemade device went off in his hands in the restaurant's toilets. Reilly was found dead in Manchester prison in 2016.
2008: 12 June
A Hindu is set on fire for dating a Muslim girl.
2008: 18 September
An Islamist shouts the Qu'ran as he stabs a non-Muslim woman in the head.
2008: 19 November
A failed Islamic asylum seeker from Algeria beat a gay man to death who took him in.
2008: 14 December
An Islamist Youth brutally stabs a 51-year-old at random after telling him that he is walking through an area of England that 'Muslims' rule.
In 2008, there were 2207 Islamic attacks in 42 countries, in which 10717 people were killed and 17803 injured. You can read the full list here.
2009: 15 March
A Christian minister critical of Islam is brutally beaten by local Islamists.
2009: 30 April
A Sikh dies from injuries suffered when Islamists severely beat him in what was reported as an unprovoked racist attack.
2009: 2 July
A 24 year-old man is blinded, suffers the loss of his tongue and 90% burns during an 'honour' attack in which he was forced to drink acid and had it thrown on him by Islamists.
In 2009, there were 2131 Islamic attacks in 40 countries, in which 9172 people were killed and 18612 injured. You can read the full list here.
2010: 20 February
A gang of 5 Islamists beat a Sikh shop keeper to death with a hammer.
2010: 23 April
A Sikh man is brutally beaten by a gang of Islamists, who shout "Allah" during the attack and pull off his religious necklace.
2010: 12 July
A religious studies teacher is badly beaten by four Islamists intent on punishing him 'for insulting Islam' by teaching girls.
2010: 12 December
Two Islamists batter a prison guard while yelling "Death to the Kuffar".
In 2010, there were 2034 Islamic attacks in 48 countries, in which 9258 people were killed and 17462 injured. You can read the full list here.
2011: 11 September
Two activists are stabbed after disparaging Islam.
In 2011, there were 1998 Islamic attacks in 57 countries, in which 9098 people were killed and 16926 injured. You can read the full list here.
2012: 28 May
A 19 year-old Sikh is raped in a targeted attack in Luton by Islamists.
In 2012, there were 2484 Islamic attacks in 58 countries, in which 11557 people were killed and 20272 injured. You can read the full list here.
2013: 22 May
British soldier Lee Rigby was murdered in Woolwich, south-east London by Islamic extremists Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale. The men drove into Fusilier Rigby with a car before attacking him with a knife. Adebolajo was given a whole-life term and Adebowale was jailed for a minimum of 45 years.
2013: 28 October
A prostitute is killed for working to close to an Islamic Mosque.
In 2013, there were 2833 Islamic attacks in 48 countries, in which 16797 people were killed and 29596 injured. You can read the full list here.
In 2014 there were 3008 Islamic attacks in 55 countries, in which 32845 people were killed and 27530 injured. You can read the full list of all of these attacks here.
2015: 14 September
A faith healer is stabbed to death in a targeted attack by a religious Muslim.
2015: 5 December
A man attacked Tube passengers with a knife at Leytonstone station in east London. Muhiddin Mire shouted: "This is for my Syrian brothers, I'm going to spill your blood," before he was finally subdued. Mire, who had a history of mental illness, was jailed for life. The judge at his trial said he had been driven by "Islamic extremism".
During 2015, there were 2890 Islamic attacks in 53 countries, in which 27641 people were killed and 26169 injured. You can read the full list of all of these attacks here.
2016: 18 February
A popular imam is beaten to death by Islamic ISIS supporters.
2016: 1 April
Delivery driver, Junead Khan, was convicted in English court for plotting to kill American and British soldiers in England by staging road accidents on behalf of Islamic State. Kingston Crown Court, located in the southwest of London, heard that Junead Khan had been visited four times by police trying to divert him from extremism but he had rejected their offers of help.
2016: 17 April
A woman is stabbed to death by her devout Islamic husband for 'disobeying Islam' by working as care giver.
2016: 20 May
A Turkish Islamic man yelling about Lee Rigby stabs four women in a Parking lot on the third anniversary.
2016: 3 August
A Somali Islamic teen runs out of a Mosque and stabs an American tourist to death while chanting 'Allah, Allah'
2016: 4 August
An attacker stabbed a woman to death with a knife and wounded five other people in central London, Russell Square.
2016: August
"Three Musketeers" arrested. In August 2017, Naweed Ali, 29, Khobaib Hussain, 25, Mohibur Rahman, 33, and Tahir Aziz, 38 were all convicted of planning a bomb and knife attack against a police or military target in the UK.
2016: 9 September
An Islamist cuts and holds his neighbour at knife point, but is talked out of beheading him after frog marching him to a mosque.
In 2016, there were 2498 Islamic attacks in 59 countries, in which 21413 people were killed and 26730 injured. You can read the full list here.
2017: 22 March
Six people, including the attacker, died and 50 people were injured in a terror attack near the Houses of Parliament. Khalid Masood mounted the pavement in a hired car and drove into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge. He then ran towards Parliament and stabbed a police officer to death before being shot dead by officers.
2017: 27 April
British police arrested a 27-year-old man on a terrorism watch list in the Whitehall neighborhood of London. He was carrying 2 large knives.[104] The man's family had tipped off the police.
2017: 11 May
A mother is killed by her Islamic family for reverting to western style clothing.
2017: 22 May
An attack in Manchester left 22 people dead and 59 injured after a male suicide bomber targeted children and young adults at the end of a concert at the Manchester Arena by US singer Ariana Grande. The bomber, Salman Ramadan Abedi, 22, was born in Manchester to Libyan parents. Other reports have the injured as being 119.
2017: 3 June
An attack in London left seven people dead and 48 injured. A white van hit pedestrians on London Bridge before three men got out of the vehicle and began stabbing people in nearby Borough Market. The three former Islamic migrants from Eurpoe shouted "this is for Allah" as they plowed in to pedestrians on London Bridge and then proceeded to a market where they stabbed anyone within reach.
2017: 7 June
A unveiled woman is slashed with a knife by three women chanting about Allah and quoting from the Qu'ran.
2017: 19 June
A group of Muslim worshippers were hit when a van mounted the pavement and drove into them in Finsbury Park. The attack happened during the holy month of Ramadan after 00:00 BST, when many people were in the area attending evening prayers. One man, who had fallen ill before the attack, died and nine other people were treated in hospital. A 47-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences.
2017: 21 July
A guard and prisoner have their throats slashed by an Islamic yelling "This is for Allah.."
2017: 25 August
An Islamic man drove his car at Police and began slashing at them with a sword shouting "Allah Akbar" and was arrested by police outside Buckingham Palace. He was charged with intent to commit an act of terrorism. Two police received minor injuries making the arrest.
2017: 15 September
A cell of 'Several Jihadis' set off a homemade bomb partially which detonated on a tube train in Parsons Green station at 08:20 BST (UTC+1). Twenty-two were injured, including eighteen who were hospitalised.
2017: 30 September
A 14 year-old Shi'ite Muslim is stabbed in a targeted attack by Sunni Islamic radicals.
2017: 5 December
Two men alleged to be Islamist militants were arrested by an MI5 British anti-terrorism detail for plotting to assassinate Prime Minister Theresa May. Police believe the plotters planned to detonate an IED at the prime minister's offices.
2017: 19 December
Four men were arrested on suspicion of plotting an Islamist terror attack as armed police carried out a series of dramatic pre-dawn raids in Sheffield and Chesterfield.
In 2017, there were 2045 Islamic attacks in 61 countries, in which 16387 people were killed and 14362 injured. You can read the full list here.
2018: 14 August
A Sudanese Islamic migrant plows his car into a crowd of bicyclists outside Westminster after being given asylum by England.
2018: 1 October
A Christian convert is stabbed 50 times to death by her husband.
2018: 31 DecemberA man shouts praise to Allah as he stabs bystanders at a rail station.
In 2018, there were 1984 Islamic attacks in 55 countries, in which 11782 people were killed and 11488 injured. You can read the full list here.
In 2019, there have been 974 Islamic attacks in 43 countries, in which 5665 people were killed and 5920 injured up to 21 July 2019. You can read the full list which is updated daily here.
The above are all attacks that have taken place, or were in the late stages of planning due to take place in the name of Islam in the UK - for those of you who are ill-informed on the full list of terror attacks in the name of Islam worldwide, you have contributed to the death and misery all of the families and victims above have suffered with your ignora.
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